Reason to learn Ancient Indian Martial Art


Niyuddha Story & Missions

Modern ‘NIYUDDHA KRIDE’ is found by Mr. Narendra Shrivastava as Niyuddhacharya with its original Sanskrit Name “NIHYUDDHA”.

Niyuddhacharya is the final authority of Nihyuddha sports pattern  with the regard of World Nihyuddha federation. Affiliate yourself & your martial art’s class or school of martial arts (any styles like Judo, karate, Kung fu, Kick Boxing, Taekwon-do, Jeet kune-do etc.) with us means”Niyuddha sports family of ancient Indian martial art.” 

Niyuddha is an ancient and true Indian Martial art. It was born in Satyug by Holy God. Which has been developed most effective method of Weaponless self-defense but an intricate Art, an exciting sport and a trenchant method of maintaining physical and mental fitness.
Many think that in all the regular martial arts as Judo, Karate, Taekwan-do, Kung-fu etc. are the real and true martial arts, but this is an entirely mistaken concept. Niyuddha is Mother Art of all those martial art.

Many other also think that Niyuddha is an unknown Indian martial art and it is totally new. It is not true, infect Niyuddha is brought when the earth is born. Everyone knows very well that the India is first country who develops their civilization. So, definitely jauntily fight pattern is developing in India first. Kalary Payattam is good example of above matter.

Tremendous skill and control are required in Niyuddha while blocking, punching, kicking and throwing techniques, all contribute to make Niyuddha one of the most exciting and competitive sport, its challenge lies in the adept use of the techniques without having any actual body contact. Complete control over blocking, punching, kicking, and throwing movements in paramount in stopping centimeters short of the opponent.

Through the coordination of control. Balance and techniques in the performance of MRITYUE NRITYA, Niyuddha is regarded as a beautiful and highly skilled. It is also one of the most all-around methods of physical fitness. Since it utilizes every single muscle of the body and is considered the ultimate in unarmed self-defense.

In ancient India (BHARAT), presidential protective forces (Sena\armies of Raja\Maharaja & States ) are all trained in Niyuddha and its training is must for everyone. Its training programs are organized by Rishi/ Mahrishi’s Ashram. In that time Niyuddha divided in various parts of techniques.

You can see Niyuddha’s history on other page.


Make powerful yourself with Niyuddha Gurukul, learn Niyuddha. It is an ancient martial art from ancient India.

Niyuddha’s Mobility

Niyuddha Gurukul arrange workshops, training camps for all Niyoddhas (Niyuddha Players)time to time. This is very essential for mobility of Niyuddha’s Players means Niyoddhas.


Niyuddha is ancient and true martial arts fro ancient India and belong to the oldest civilization. It is very true that Niyuddha martial art is born by the holy God.

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About Us

Niyuddha is an ancient and true Indian Martial art. It was born in Satyug by Holy God. Which has been developed most effective method of Weaponless self-defense.
